The Power of Color in Brand Photography: How a Color Analysis Can Elevate Your Visual Story
Why Get a Color Analysis for Brand Photos?
When we work together to create a story through your images, we're crafting a visual representation of your business—something that connects with your audience on a deeper level. Choosing the right wardrobe colors isn’t just about looking good (though that’s a nice bonus!); it’s about making sure you shine, and that your colors work in harmony with your brand’s overall visual identity.
Should I Wear Glasses For My Headshots And Brand Photos? l Norman, Oklahoma Brand Photographer
Let's talk about glasses and the dreaded glasses glare in photographs!
As a brand photographer, I often hear from clients who are concerned about how their glasses might look in photos. Will there be a glare? Will their eyes be visible? Should they wear contacts instead? If you've ever wondered about these things, you're not alone! Let's dive into the world of glasses and photography, and explore how you can rock your specs while getting those perfect shots.
5 Types of Photos You Can Get at a Brand Mini Session | Norman, Oklahoma Brand Photographer
Minis are a quick 20 minute brand session that pack a punch in a short amount of time. With the right planning, we’ll create purposeful images that you need for your business. Here are the 5 types of super useful photos we can create during a personal brand mini session.